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Find the root cause of your child’s tantrums

Emotional Regulation Dr Ari Calhoun wholesome brain medicine

Emotional Regulation

Is your child struggling with emotional regulation?

Tantrums and meltdowns are a normal part of childhood development. It is the way in which our children (with immature brains) communicate their discontent with a particular event or response. Between ages 1-4 years of age, emotional meltdowns tend to spike. At this stage of development, the region of the brain that experiences fear and emotion is much more active and developed than the region of the brain involved in reasoning. However by age 5, children are starting to develop more skills in complex reasoning and thus, have a better control over emotional regulation. 

Often, parents wonder… What’s normal? 

While this isn’t a comprehensive list, a few “RED FLAGS” include: 

  • Tantrums that last > 25 minutes the majority of the time 
  • Frequent (>3/week)  tantrums > 5 years of age 
  • Regular aggressive behavior towards others during the tantrum (kicking, biting, etc)
  • Self-harm behaviors (headbanging, hand-biting, self-mutilation) 
  • Difficulty calming down after a tantrum 
  • Greater than 5 tantrums per day 

If your child is displaying any of the behaviors above, this doesn’t make him a “bad kid,” and it also isn’t a result of “bad parenting.” 

This may mean that your child is having difficulty regulating his emotions due to an underlying imbalance. 

In our practice, we believe an emotional response is controlled by two main factors: 

  1. Psychological Factors: This encompasses the emotional trigger and ingrained belief systems by which we interpret that trigger.

For Example: The trigger may be “Mom told me I can’t have a cookie.” The belief system might be “Mom thinks I’m a bad kid for wanting a cookie.”

  1. Physiological Factor:  Physiological factors are internal regulators that control how strongly we may experience any given emotion. This is principally controlled by our neurotransmitter balance; however, a large number of other factors, including: gut health, environmental exposures, inflammation, nutrient status, and genetics may influence this balance. This is the main differentiator in why two children from the same household may respond entirely differently to the same trigger.  

For Example: When the children are told they need to leave the park, the first child may kick and scream all the way to the car, while the second child shows disappointment but ultimately can be refocused towards the next activity for the day. 

In our practice, we focus on identifying and treating PHYSIOLOGICAL factors that impair emotional regulation.

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Find the root cause of your child’s tantrums

The top imbalances we see include:

Gastrointestinal Dysbiosis…

Gastrointestinal Dysbiosis (particularly, yeast and clostridia overgrowth) 

There is a well-known gut-brain axis, whereby the gut microbiome has been found to play a profound role in brain development and mental health. Birth via c-section, formula use,  antibiotic use, diet, as well as other environmental toxin exposures have well known negative impacts on microbiome development, increasing the risk for overgrowth of opportunistic species. The two most common species that negatively influence emotional regulation in children are yeast and clostridia overgrowth. 

Symptoms of Yeast Overgrowth:

  • Anxiety
  • Rigid tendencies
  • Sensory seeking behaviors- including stimming
  • Super silly behaviors
  • Seemling out of It or brain fog
  • Cravings for starches or sweets 
  • Laughing for no reason 
  • Climbing, standing on head, and hanging upside down
  • Hyperactivity 
  • Difficult diaper rashes 
  • Eczema
  • Typically constipation, but may have loose stools
  • Perianal or genital itching 
  • Persistent cradle cap 
  • Symptoms of Clostridia Overgrowth:
  • Emotional outbursts 
  • Extreme mood swings 
  • Rage and aggression 
  • Paranoia 
  • Autistic behaviors 
  • Poor concentration and focus 
  • Daytime fatigue 
  • Typically loose stools, but may be constipated
  • Emotional eating 
  • Change in mood post antibiotic use 

Imbalanced Nutrients…

Pyrrole Disorder: Pyrrole disorder is a condition aggravated by stress, whereby an individual creates an excessive amount of Kryptopyrroles. We all produce Kryptopyrroles during hemoglobin synthesis, but some individuals are genetically wired to produce more, especially when under stress. Kryptopyrroles themselves are not harmful to the body, but excretion of them causes B6 and Zinc depletion. Because B6 and Zinc are extremely important cofactors in the production and metabolism of several key neurotransmitters, this can result in significant mood imbalances. The symptoms of a pyrrole disorder are most dramatic in children and adolescents, and result in extreme mood swings in response to a relatively small stressor, sensitivities to lights/sounds/odors, higher irritability, and difficulty with short term memory. Other things to look out for include white spots on fingernails, morning nausea, restricted appetite, frequent illness, and little or no dream recall.

Copper Overload: While copper overload can affect anyone, it is an extremely common cause of  behavior outbursts in younger children and emotional lability in females during hormonal shifts. Copper overload causes low dopamine and higher norepinephrine, resulting in lack of pleasure, anxiety, panic attacks, episodic rage, sleep issues, and more. Copper and zinc compete for absorption, so with high levels of free copper, there are often also signs of zinc deficiency. 

Undermethylation: Undermethylation leads to a deficiency in methyl groups, which is a molecular compound necessary for many biochemical processes within the body. Undermethylation is often associated with symptoms of low serotonin and high histamine. Common symptoms of undermethylation include perfectionistic tendencies, rigid nature, ritualistic or OCD behaviors, addictive tendencies, difficulties with detoxification, and increased propensity for allergies and headaches.

Low B6 or Magnesium:  B6 and Magnesium are some of the most researched nutrients in supporting mood related disorders, as they have a profound impact on Serotonin, Dopamine, and GABA. One of the most notable pathways influenced by  B6 and magnesium is the metabolism of glutamate (an excitatory neurotransmitter implicated in episodic rage, depression, and panic attacks) into GABA (a calming neurotransmitter).

Low Cholesterol…

The brain has the highest concentration of cholesterol in the body, and there is a well established relationship between cholesterol levels and brain function. Within the brain, cholesterol has four main functions:

  • Acts as an antioxidant-sequestering free radicals to reduce damage
  • Insulation: the highest amount of cholesterol in the brain is found in the myelin sheath, the covering that wraps and protects each nerve cell. 
  • Barrier: cholesterol forms part of the cell membrane, giving the cell structure and controlling what passes in an out of the cell (including toxins). 
  • Firing of Neurotransmitters: Cholesterol plays a role in ensuring appropriate firing of neurotransmitters at the nerve cell synapse.

Brain Inflammation…

Extensive research now shows a strong connection between neuroinflammation and mood alterations. Inflammation has most notably been linked to glutamate disturbances, with subsequent alterations in memory, emotions, and cognition. Alterations in glutamate have been found in a myriad of psychological disorders, including:  bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, aggressive behavior, eating disorders, and OCD. 


Toxicity (particularly, mold and heavy metals)

  • Certain toxins are now implicated as a contributing factor to mood disorders, and these include heavy metals and mycotoxins from mold exposure. 
  • Heavy metals, including lead and mercury, create oxidative damage and inflammation within the brain, and have been implicated in mood disorders and brain damage. Furthermore, heavy metals have been shown to alter the absorption of other key minerals which are believed to benefit mood, including zinc, magnesium, selenium, and manganese. 
  • Mold exposure and the associated toxins produced from mold  is an up and coming concern, which has now been implicated in various brain based disorders, including aspects of emotional regulation. While we are all exposed to some degree of mold within our day to day life, many of us living in a potentially toxic mold environment unaware. 

It’s important to Remember…

Children experiencing these underlying imbalances don’t like feeling this way either. The behavior is not by choice. They are often living in a constant state of fight or flight.

Hi, I’m Dr. Ari Calhoun, a perinatal and pediatric Naturopathic Doctor and mother of two. Upon becoming a mother, I realized just how susceptible our children’s brains are to environmental factors, including toxins, microbiome alterations, immune activation, nutrient imbalances, and more. More than that, I realized how much heartbreak and stress brain based disorders can cause for both the child and family. Since then, I’ve been on a mission to identify, prevent, and heal the underlying causes of neurodevelopment and mental health disorders in our children. 

Dr Ari Calhoun signature

Check Out These Stories!

“Our son had severe emotional meltdowns multiple times a day and was very sensitive to his sleep schedule and levels of stimulation.
After 4 days of treatment he was in a tantrum and we actually could speak into it and he was able to calm himself faster than ever! The frequency, duration and intensity of his tantrums are now vastly improved!”

“We needed someone who could help us figure out why our son was having such difficulty with sleep and emotions.

We now have normal breakdowns that he is able to work through. He is also better able to tolerate changes in his schedule and more stimulation within a day.

I was amazed and actually cried the first time he let me talk him through a meltdown. He let me hold him. He was able to calm himself and get through it in a reasonable way. This was only 4 days after starting treatment.

We are so deeply grateful for the work and focus of Dr. Calhoun. We are actually considering having a third child and that is only because Dr. Calhoun was able to help us help our son. We are so grateful that he finally feels better and can enjoy his life as he ought to!”

— Katiya

“After a month of no explosive outbursts, we were just in disbelief. He has no explosive outbursts and no scary negative self talk. On normal occasions when he does get upset, it is not explosive and he recovers quickly. This has been life changing for our son and our family. Without the support of her, I truly believe someone would have wanted to manage this via medication down the road.”

“Prior to working with Dr. Calhoun, my 8 year old was having extreme mood swings. Most of the time, he would be reasonably balanced, but when he went out of balance, he would have explosive outbursts which included large amounts of negative (and scary) self talk. Dr. Calhoun had correctly guessed he might have had Kryptopyrolle syndrome and she was 100% correct. With some additional bloodwork, she optimized his B vitamins, Zinc and copper and he is a different child now.

After a month of no explosive outbursts, we were just in disbelief.  He has no explosive outbursts and no scary negative self talk. On normal occasions when he does get upset, it is not explosive and he recovers quickly. This has been life changing for our son and our family. Outbursts were embarrassing for him if others happened to be around and he felt shame after they passed. Without the support of her, I truly believe someone would have wanted to manage this via medication down the road. While medication is necessary for some, we were hopeful he was just somehow out of balance, and he was!

Dr. Calhoun has been such a gift for our family. She is extremely intelligent and well researched. She is a thoughtful and curious listener. She is thorough in her care plans and follows through. She is always well prepared before each visit. We can’t recommend her highly enough!”

— Andrea

“Dr. Ari diagnosed our son with Pyrroles Disorder and helped us with a supplement plan. Within about 6 weeks he was his old self again: caring with other children, willing to compromise, in control of his feelings, able to communicate with us.”

“After we had moved across country our son was having daily violent outbursts, the school was telling us that he was hitting other kids. I knew all the change had a huge impact on him and he was under a lot of stress.

Working with Dr. Ari has improved his behavior and his ability to deal with everyday stress. He is in better control of himself. She helped us help him be his best self.

Dr. Ari is wonderful and an amazing resource of knowledge. I love that I can entrust her with my concerns even when I just have a “feeling” something is off. It’s a delicate dance figuring these things out and we feel so supported by Dr. Ari!”

— Stephanie

“We were going through multiple behavioral issues with my 4 year old and felt hopeless. I finally felt hopeful after our first appointment. She was so compassionate to what we were going through. 3 weeks into his treatment plan/ protocol he is a changed boy!”

“Dr Ari Calhoun has literally been a godsend. We were going through multiple behavioral issues with my 4 year old and felt hopeless. I finally felt hopeful after our first appointment. She was so compassionate to what we were going through. Her treatment plan was so detailed, thorough and easy to follow. 3 weeks into his treatment plan/ protocol he is a changed boy! I honestly can’t believe I’m seeing drastic changes so soon. I can’t wait to see how he continues on this health journey and I’m forever thankful I found her!”

— Heather

Dr Ari Calhoun with patient

Ready to understand and heal your child’s emotional instability?

We would love to work with you in uncovering and treating the root cause of these emotional meltdowns, so that your child can live each day with ease, happiness, and enjoyment.

Need Some Calm Support in the Meantime? 

While these won’t always address the root cause. Sometimes we just need to take the edge off and decrease sensitivity,  support easier transitions, and improve our child’s ability to recover. Check out our top acute mood support supplements below!